Thursday, 11 July 2013

Teenage pregnancy : Causes and Facts

Teenage pregnancy, a curse in females especially who are below the age group of 20. Commonly found in every country but U.S.A is holding the top most rank in it. Of about 82% of pregnancy are found to be in teenagers having a age group between 15-20. 

Dreadful, when these cases are to be seen in such developed nations and even followed by the United Kingdom. This all depends upon many situations, circumstances, and many other things which are responsible for that.

So some facts about the teenage pregnancy are listed below which may help you understand why these situation occurs.

1) Working parents, teenagers who found their home empty and nobody to interact with automatically gets depressed in return found other modes i.e. drugs, booze, and finally unwanted sex.

2) Father absentee, which might be happened because of the death, divorce and even abandonment results in the increase in teenage pregnancy. Due to which the obligatory father guidance lacks behind and inevitably took wrong step.

3) Increased sexuality, nowadays the awakening of sex intimation comes more early thanks to media and internet in our daily lives.

4) Friend company, this is also one of the prevalent reasons which usually everybody ignores. Parents must have eyes on their ward and its friend company.

 5)Family gathering, this fact is especially for those families who are working. Try to gather and spend time at one place.
We have to notice that only the teenagers are not responsible for these pregnancies somehow the parents are too.